Goals that Stick (a worksheet just for you)
Being a creative person is both a blessing and a curse, right? Do you feel like you have a ton of new ideas swirling around your brain 24/7? It’s pretty cool. Except where do we even begin?
While my exterior and home might seem organized to the extreme, my brain is quite the opposite. My ideas have been collected in a Google spreadsheet, and the list is endless and overwhelming. But! I know if I write them down, I can forget about them and focus on the important stuff. And someday I might come back to them, or get a good chuckle from some of the more ridiculous thoughts.
Every year when I sit down to figure out what I’d like to tackle, I often end up with a dozen or more things where each could be a full-time job. Goal dilution at its finest. Are you feeling similarly already just three days into 2022? This year, I have vowed to try a different approach. The key? Focus on simple, purposeful goals. Rather than share my goals for the year, I developed a worksheet to help set a fulfilling path. I printed two worksheets for myself — one for “Career Goals” and one for “Life Goals”. I then hung each in my office. This is my purpose for the year.
Are you someone who has many goals, but never seems to knock one goal out of the park? Well then, I encourage you to give this worksheet for a spin. And here are a few thoughts and guidelines for why the worksheet is a great goal-making (not just setting) tool:
You should complete one worksheet for each major area of your life. For me, it was Career and Life. Separating each is imperative, because it will help you find balance and focus on each area without overcommitting in one area.
Focus on only 3 (THREE) goals for each worksheet/area of your life. Concerned because you have more than three goals? Too bad, put em’ on the back-burner for 2023, it will come sooner than you think. Or if you happen to knock three out halfway through the year, then fill out another worksheet.
The worksheet is SIMPLE. It won’t overwhelm you and you can focus on the things most important to you.
The worksheet is ACTIONABLE. All too often we list goals with no plan. That ship ain’t sailing nowhere friends. You’re going to write down steps you’ll take to achieve each goal, and how you’ll check in with yourself each month to keep on track.
And few notes to stay motivated:
Post the worksheet somewhere really visible to you each day. Mine are on the wall in my office.
Make a calendar reminder each month for a ‘check-in’, as well as action items so you spend time on your goals. Don’t let yourself forget.
Share your goal worksheet with someone who can hold you accountable. I’d be happy to help hold you accountable, just reach out.
Tag your goal worksheet @limbic.studio on Instagram.
Modify the sheet as you see fit if and only if it helps you find more focus. This is just a starting point and we all achieve goals differently.
Wishing you a productive, balanced, happy, and FUN 2022!